
Monday 25 April 2011

My Easter Eggs

Well I did find a few minutes (quite literally) to decorate some eggs for my family.

Mr Lemon Drizzle had a Totoro one.

Littlest kidlet had an owl (of course) and big kidlet had an egg based on her own toy rabbit.

They were very pleased with them and haven't eaten them yet, although a minute ago as I walked past their chocolate mountain, I noticed a very small bite out of one of the bunny's ears. He is not long for this world I fear!
Thanks again to Jen's Cakery and Fantasticakes for the idea.


  1. Aww I love totoro!! that is too cute

  2. I like the owl the best! (I am ashamed to say I don't know what 'Totoro' is...)

  3. My two favourite things together: Totoro and chocolate! Perfect!!!
