
Thursday 31 March 2011

Mother's Day Free Download

Here in the UK we shall be celebrating Mother's Day on Sunday. Now I know that most of my followers are ladies ("I'm a lady, a lady!) (sorry you'll only understand this if you are in the UK) but if you want something to keep your little darlings quiet this weekend while you catch up on 'Hello' gossip, (or sleep), why not have them make you a present.  Daddy can make some cupcakes with them and then while he's cleaning up the kitchen they can sit and colour in the cupcake cases and picks.

My two kidlets came up with these colourful colourways.  I have to admit if I'd had time I would probably have coloured in my own version to look tasteful, but their's are cute enough.

Anyway all you have to do is left click on the picture to take you to the pdf download, or right click to download as a jpeg (you may have to fiddle with sizes.).

Have a lovely relaxing day.