
Saturday 26 June 2010

THE MAD HATTER'S TEA PARTY! (a fairy tale with cake)

One still quiet summer morning two little girls are sleeping in their beds dreaming of rabbits, glitter, socks and grass. 
There is a sudden shift in the room and silently the curtains slightly part.
In flies a small creature...look is the Pink Sprinkle Cupcake Fairy.

She swoops over the little beds and giggling waves her wand.

Two sleepy heads open their eyes, blink and see her.

She beckons them to follow her and unusually obedient they do.
As if in a dream they find themselves in the dewy garden, damp feet  bed heads their tummies full of butterflies.

She offers them both a cupcake.
"Eat up!  Every crumb!"
"But I don't like the icing!"
"I only eat the icing!"
She sighs, it's never the same as in the book.
"Every last crumb or the magic will not work"
Slowly at first they lick and chew and discover that these are fairy cakes and taste like the sweetiest sweet and the chocliest chocolate and they are pleased to discover both cake and icing are delicious!
But what now.....the tummy butterflies have become as big as birds and their hair is tingling....they are shrinking.

As they protest they are sshhed again .  The fairy beckons and they follow her through an arch of flowers.

There in the glade they see a little girl drinking tea.

"Hello, I'm Alice and I'm having the strangest day"
They look at her and then each other, "We are too."

"Will you join me?"
As they sit down at the table they don't even realise the fairy has disappeared. They are beaming and laughing for infront of them is the most amazing table of goodies.

There are twenty different cupcakes in all different shapes and sizes some decorated with beautiful flowers  others with swirls and fairy dust.

 There are macarons, iced gems, rainbow kisses,

meringues, whoopie pies,

Belgian buns, Chelsea buns, Manchester tarts and Bakewell pies,

jam tarts, biscuits, fig rolls, chocolate chip cookies,  

pancakes, scones, pies, pastries and all manner of delights that they cannot even name.

 "Tuck in!  I can't eat all this by myself.  There was a strange man in a hat making some tea," she says "but he seems to have disappeared!"
The two little girls think that maybe they are dreaming but fueled by the memory of the fairy cake they begin to nibble and bite and then as they feel more at ease chomp with gusto!

After some time all three girls begin to slow, even fairy food fills you up eventually.
"Aaahhhhh!" they yawn together.

 "I think it's time for you all to go home"

Turning they see the 'Feeling Sleepy And Go To Bed Fairy'
"Follow me!"

Obedient as lambs they stumble behind her. As she waves her wand over them the air is filled with the scent of vanilla and cinnamon, their eyelids feel so heavy that they cannot keep them open and they start to dream the most wonderful dreams......

......"Come on sleepy heads!"  Their Mother is calling.  "It's time to get up, I've made banana and blueberry pancakes."
"We're not hungry! "
"Are you ok my little cupcakes?  Are you ill?"
They plod heavy footed down the stairs. Surely if it was just a dream they wouldn't feel so full?
"There's a package here for you my pumpkin pies."

Could they really have met fairies and Alice in their own back garden?

 Uh oh here come the butterflies again!

ps.Why not visit A Fanciful Twist to see other Mad Hatter Tea Parties popping up all over the blogosphere!


  1. Oh I love your Pink Sprinkle Cupcake Fairy and her wand is delightfully yummy. Thank you for sharing such a visual feast.

  2. Natasha, you are some kind of genius! What lucky little girls - they are going to have such wonderful memories when they are older.

  3. What a delightful post. I loved it.

  4. So whimsical& Beautiful ! I love it !

  5. This is so gorgeous Natasha. Beautiful post.
    Lovely photos!

  6. ~*~*~*Hip hip hurray it's Tea Party Day!*~*~*~

    Fairy tales with cake are the best tales ever! Such yummy treats, I'm stuffed!

    Thanks for having me at your tea party! if you haven't been already, you're cordially invited to my mad tea party! Have yourself a mad sort of day! :)

  7. I love your table of goodies!!
    Delightful party!

    Have a wonderful party day!!!

  8. what a delightful tea party!

  9. Magical!
    Oooh, is that why you call it a cupcake? You gotta put the cake in a cup? :D

    ♥ Alice Maria-Thérèse Afiori in Swedish Wonderland

  10. Oh my! What a sweetly mossy place to rest and have tea! Thank you so very much for putting together such a lovely party!

  11. Oh my goodness, do you have some wonderful treats on your blog! I was trying to read about the Magical Tea but the Butterscotch Cupcake picture next to it keep calling my name! I gotta try that recipe, thanks!!

    And thank you for inviting me to you party! It was delightful! You are a super-talented person!


  12. What gorgeous confection creations! I'm stuffed!

  13. So fun, everything looks delicious!! :) ~Lauren

  14. What a sweet cupcake display!

    Follow your heart and join me as we go to the Forest of Wishes. I have party gifts waiting for everyone!

    {{soul hugs}}
    Kathryn, Collage Diva

  15. How wonderful, what a delicious tea :) I could almost taste the cakes and I wish I could sit on a little chair on a cupcake :)

  16. Lovely, absolutely and so enjoyable!!! Thank you for your hospitality!!

  17. Lovely party, such great fun, come visit me when your party is done!

  18. So cute! We had such fun! Stop by for a cup of tea!

  19. This was so adorable! I enjoyed it thoroughly! Just darling. Hope you have fun out Tea Partying, and I hope you'll allow me to return your kind hospitality...


    Sheila :-)

  20. Thank you this was magical :)

  21. Oh, I really enjoyed your teaparty! I hope you'll come and visit my party, if you haven't already. I can't keep up with everyone's names, although I'm sooooo enjoying the wonderful parties going on! Wouldn't Charles Dodgson have fun if he were here too?

  22. *OH MY GOSH* - your treat setup with the mossy grass and mushroom toadstools is gorgeous and so much fun! I've been wanting to throw a woodland party and thank you for the I know how to decorate my cupcake stand.

    Thanks for letting me share in your special tea party! If you haven't already feel free to drop by my gathering.
    ~ Misha/DawaiOser <3

  23. Such a wonderful and magical Tea Party and Yummy treats. Thank you for inviting me.

    Hope you have a great weekend.


  24. What a wonderful fairytale, and your decorations are lovely.

    Happy Mad Tea Party,


  25. What a delightful and sweet tea party! Thank you for inviting me. :) If you have not made your way already, I do hope that you shall come and visit with me, as you join the White Queen and Mad Hatter for some cake ~ and tea

  26. Ooh, such magic and whimsy here...thankyou so much for having me - simply delicious and delightful x

  27. LOVE LOVE LOVE ♥♥♥ the cupcakes in the tea cups with the moss. I have not seen that yet, I am have been making my way UP the bloggy list, you ingenious little one.

    **blows kisses** Deb

  28. What a lovely mossy table. The scones and French macarons look delightful! Come by and see me for a cup of tea. I am having a giveaway you won't want to miss!

  29. Oh heavens. My tummy is grumbling, my eyes are twitching, it's magic. Such beauty and so much effort. Thank you for the eye candy! Please pop by for a game of croquet, I would love to have you over for tea :)

  30. Totally delightful! I was charmed from start to finish at this curious event full of enchantment. Thank you for having me. Hope you'll have time to stop by and have a cup of tea with me. ~ Sarah
    Now I'm off to see that cake in the post below....

  31. Sam and I thought you butterflies were so pretty and sparkly! Thank you for having us over!

  32. Lovely party! Thank you so much!

  33. What a great tea party with so many yummy cupcakes. Thank you for having me over. Please let me return the favor and come visit me at my mad tea party at

  34. What a lovely fairyland tea party! Hope you enjoyed the madness. Still touring around, the next day!

  35. Darling that was just the whimsy I was hoping to find! What a delightful mossy layer of fairy fun! Blessings.

  36. What a wonderful party! I just loved everything about it!

  37. I was terribly late for your party. Sorry, sorry..... but I'm here now! Thanks for waiting, I wouldn't wanna miss YOUR tea party!!! If you care for some more tea, you're very welcome at my place!

  38. What a lovely Tea Party. I had so much fun and the goodies were amazing. I am so glad that the butterflies came too. Please visit me at:

  39. What an enchanting party!! Your photos are just stunning, and I'm so happy to discover your blog. :)

    ~ Carolee

  40. Oh my word - what a wonderful story, cakes and paintings you are one very talented woman.


    ps hope the fairies did the washing up too ;)

  41. Can you tell me if you cut all those butterflies by hand or did you use a die cut machine? I think they are fab either way. :)

  42. OH! OH! This tea party spoke to the top sides and bottom of my heart! The fairies and the moss in layers and layers and the banner and tummy butterflies which i would most assuredly have with those scrumptious macaroons and cupcakes and everything was so magical and lovely and wonderful and I LoVeD LOveD LOVED it ALL!
    Thank you ever so much for the magical time!
    XXOXOX Rhonda Roo

  43. How adorable...and I love your blog...Loved the tea party....thanks for inviting me!

  44. Thank you for having me over. I so enjoyed your Tea Party. So very pretty, and clever. The food was very yummy. (...sorry, if I may have made a little piggy of myself, by eating too many whoopie pies). If you get the chance, please do come and visit me for some more Mad Tea, in the Secret Enchanted Forest at:

  45. Thanksyou for all your lovely comments, I'm glad you enjoyed my party.
    The butterflies were handcut.

  46. Well I don't think that there is any thing that I could add that would not have already been said about this most amazing of blogs. just a big thankyou for being you and your always wonderful imagination. G.

  47. I loved your fairy tale, but oh! the photo of the entire mossy fairy table set up just stole my heart. Thank you for sharing such a beautifully imaginative and fanciful party with me.

    I hope you'll stop by and grab a cuppa with me.

  48. Oh! I enjoyed every moment of this fairy tale. Your set up and photos were so beautiful. It was like a live magical pop-up book and all the yummy cupcakes. Thank you for sharing your beautiful party.

    I hope you can visit me for some tea!

    Have a lovely day!

  49. What a delightfully mad tea party! Love the fairy aspect and all the photos! Thanks for having me!

  50. I'm sorry I'm late! My MIL's memorial was on the date of the party, so I'm now just getting my wits together to visit all the festivities!

    Thank you for a hosting a beautiful party! Everything is so magical!

    ~ Michelle

  51. What a beautiful party you have here. Thanks for inviting me in!
    I am hosting a Mad Mad giveaway on my blog I do hope you will have a chance to stop by!
    Enjoy the day!

  52. Oh how lovely is that? Well done you! x

  53. What a lovely little girl's dream. Oh wait! It's a lovely BIG girl's dream, too! Thank you for having me.

  54. What a fantastic looking spread - I love all the little cakes hidden among the moss and toadstools!

    Please stop by my blog if you fancy a cuppa and a slice of the Queen of Hearts’ Strawberry Tart…

  55. What a visual feast - eye candy galore! Those little mushrooms kill me on the spot. I had a lovely time visiting...and thank you; creative hugs from Norma

  56. Such a charming and magical tea party! I enjoyed every second of much to see and to eat. What a clever, whimsical mother you are..your sweet daughters are very lucky!

    Thank you so much for having me. If you get a chance, your little ones might enjoy stopping by my Teddy Bears Picnic...


  57. This is the most beautiful cake I have ever seen. I absolutely adore it and would have loved one like this when I was a child. If you allow me, I will gladly try my luck following your example for my daughter.

    Emmanuelle Cenier
